Aviajur | Hardcore Legal Fighters

Mitigating and Incident report for a DDoS Attack

September 2022 - February 2023

Aviajur encountered a critical cybersecurity incident when faced with a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack originating from Vietnam. This attack inundated our systems with millions of illegitimate requests, jeopardizing our online operations and threatening service availability.
Challenges Faced:

The onslaught of malicious traffic from the DDoS attack posed an imminent threat to our system’s stability and functionality. Addressing this required immediate action and specialized expertise to mitigate the attack’s impact.

Collaboration with The Swarm Development GmbH

In our quest to safeguard our systems and mitigate the DDoS attack, Aviajur collaborated closely with The Swarm Development GmbH, a leading cybersecurity firm renowned for its expertise in combating such cyber threats. Their rapid response and innovative solutions played a pivotal role in fortifying our defenses and mitigating the onslaught of malicious traffic.

Filing Incident Report

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Aviajur took proactive measures by promptly filing an incident report with the police. This step aimed to document the cyber attack, initiate an investigation, and contribute to the effort in preventing future cyber threats.


The collaborative efforts between Aviajur and The Swarm Development GmbH, coupled with our prompt action in filing an incident report, not only secured our systems against the DDoS attack but also demonstrated our commitment to cybersecurity and proactive response to threats.

This case study showcases Aviajur’s resilience in mitigating a significant cybersecurity threat, highlighting collaboration with The Swarm Development GmbH and the responsible approach of filing an incident report with law enforcement. It emphasizes Aviajur’s commitment to cybersecurity and proactive measures taken to protect against such threats.


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